( id AA024695632; Mon, 3 Jul 1995 22:27:13 -0700
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From: Jeric@cup.portal.com
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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re:Undecode This!
Lines: 25
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 95 22:30:46 PDT
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>Please do not attach files like this to your mail. It is a waste of bandwidth
>and it is annoying to have to wait for it to be loaded up when I read my mail.
>There must be a place to upload things like this and you can send mail to tell
>us where it is. Much quicker and painless. Thanks.
Extremely annoying. I'd be in favor of a absolute, automatic limit
of 500 lines (more than twice what I set my s/w for, but it only works